The special correspondent who sent the photo of G&D Television on Henry Street we posted yesterday, went for another look and sent the photos here and filed this report:
Walked past G&D (329 Henry), just a minute ago, and it is indeed empty as is my little deli with the cat. Completely stripped and bare with wide plank flooring. Someone at 329 Henry confirmed the vacate and the deli owners (331 Henry) did take the cat with them. Those plastic signs with the rick-rack trim, red plastic letters and corrugated back are so few and far between these days. I recall M&R Bar on Elizabeth Street in SoHo had one made at a Chinatown place that still had the materials. M&R Bar was a new place trying to look old.
Which brings us to the question of what might be going into these two adjacent storefronts. Perhaps as our correspondent suggested, the sign will stay and it will become G&D Television Wine Bar.