Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Entries from April 2006

Chicago Bans Foie Gras. Is New York Next?

April 28th, 2006 · 3 Comments

The Chicago City Council voted unanimously yesterday to ban the sale of foie gras as reported in an amusingly written story in the Sun Times and related by A Full Belly. If the “City of broad shoulders! Hog butcher to the world!” can do it, can the Five Boroughs be far behind? This is significant […]


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Williamsburg Graffiti Moment

April 28th, 2006 · Comments Off on Williamsburg Graffiti Moment

This carefully scrawled artistic angst in the Burg is written near the landmarked-delandmarked-relandmarked-delandmarked Austin Nichols and Co. Warehouse building designed by Cass Gilbert at 184 Kent Avenue. You know, the one that is about to be converted to condos. “I’m just a guy with paint on my coat,” the graffito writer writes. With construction starting […]


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Spring in Williamsburg

April 27th, 2006 · Comments Off on Spring in Williamsburg

Spring in Williamsburg, originally uploaded by rsguskind. This is the tagged up Secret Project Robot van parked next to a tagged up industrial building under a blossoming tree on Metropolitan between Kent and River St. Curbed featured this photo from my flickr stream today as part of its ongoing “Spring” series, and Lockhart Steele called […]


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Welcome to the Gowanus Lounge, Meet Our Mascot

April 27th, 2006 · 1 Comment

Brooklyn’s Amsterdam, originally uploaded by rsguskind. Welcome to the Gownanus Lounge (Beta). Gowanus Lounge is the culmination of months of rumination, if not planning. It will seek to cover, through words and pictures, whatever moves me, with a particular focus on New York City as it is today and is becoming. The focus will be […]


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The Second Place Photo in the design*sponge Bklyn Designs Photo Contest

April 26th, 2006 · Comments Off on The Second Place Photo in the design*sponge Bklyn Designs Photo Contest

bob, originally uploaded by designsponge. This photo of the Cherry Bomb tattoo and piercing shop in Greenpoint was selected by design*sponge as the second place winner in its Bklyn Designs photo contest. Cool round rolling stool from Small Factory Design to come. Thanks to Grace Bonney for picking this photo, which is really not a […]


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Affordable Furnished Williamsburg Studio–Perfect for Spring/Summer!

April 26th, 2006 · Comments Off on Affordable Furnished Williamsburg Studio–Perfect for Spring/Summer!

Gigantic, Huge, Sunny, Airy and Spacious are just a few of the words to describe this furnished Williamsburg studio. Decorated with cutting-edge street art, unbelievably high ceiling, ground floor (no climbing!), exposed brick, FULL of light, unlimited living space, almost like living in the country! Excellent, hip and artsy ambience. Right in the thick of […]


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The "Brooklyn Robot Parade"

April 24th, 2006 · 1 Comment

More Photographers, Reports and Bloggers than Robots, originally uploaded by rsguskind. The Brooklyn Robot Parade attracted more photographers (self, for instance), writers (self, again) and bloggers (yup, as of now) than robots. A shame because judging by the two human robots and one dog (with minimal robot costume), a big turnout would have been visually […]


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