This van has been around Williamsburg for a bit, primarily on Driggs Avenue for the last two weeks. It originally belonged to the Park Slope Geriatic Day Center, which can lead one to a lot of commentary about North Brooklyn versus South Brooklyn, but we won’t go there. One can only assume that the van was sold, rather than liberated, and turned into a work of tagged-up street art. The bus, in its original iteration–taken directly from the
Park Slope Geriatric Center’s website appears to the left. Ironic art? Symbol of class war? Gowanus Lounge hasn’t caught the van’s current owner on the street, so who knows? We say that it’s time for Park Slope moms to head for Williamburg with their children and cups of chalk in hand and let the little buggers go wild on North Sixth Street.
Gowanus Lounge Photo Du Jour: Fun with Spraypaint
May 29th, 2006 · No Comments
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