Ever been out on the South Brooklyn Seine? The Gowanus Dredgers can help make that dream come true. The next Dredgers canoeing opportunity takes place tomorrow (Sunday, June 11) from 10AM-2PM. If that’s too early for your post-Saturday partying blood (do not attempt to conquer the Big G on a hangover), you can always try again on Thursday, June 15, from 5:30-7:30. (What better way to unwind after a nasty day at the office than a bucolic paddle down the Gowanus?) The Dredgers do this all summer long and you can check their calendar online for the schedule. The canoeing is free. The only cost is to your nerves if you are uncomfortable being on our beloved Big G in a canoe. All we can tell you is what they told us: Should you fall in, your floatation jacket will keep you on the surface, so keep your head up so as not to allow any Gowanus water to enter your mouth and scream bloody murder until someone fishes you out of the drink. To go on your canoe trip and create a memory certain to last a lifetime, report to the foot of Second Street at the canal, just west of Bond Street.
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday: Get Out and Canoe the Gowanus!
June 10th, 2006 · No Comments
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