There’s some bird hating going on over at the Prospect Heights Discussion Board about a loud songbird around Sterling and Flatbush. The discussion is too funny not to pass along. First, people were wondering what the tuneful bird was. Some suggested our friends, the Brooklyn Parrots. Popular opinion, however, settled on Mockingbirds, which are known to be on the loud and vocal side. We go to the copy and paste:
Five years ago a mockingbird was tormenting my wife and me, waking us up every morning around 5:15am – as we had just moved into our place on Sterling we were sleeping with the back door to the garden open (just the screen door bolted). The little bastard was riffing on car alarms. Whoooop whoooooop whoooooop! EEEEH EEEEH EEEEEH EEEEEH. Riiirrroooh riiiirrrooooohhh rirrroooooh! Loud enough to wake me out of a sound sleep. I have never wanted to shoot and kill an innocent wild animal as much. And I’m a pretty easy-going guy.
All this time, Gowanus Lounge thought we had it bad with car alarms and ambulances. Thank God, we don’t have mockingbirds.
1 response so far ↓
1 BkRenter // Jun 27, 2006 at 9:40 pm
We’ve got a pair of mocking birds in our garden on Union b/w 4th and 5th. They mostly just do other birds, but they occasionally do a fair imitation of our neighbor’s cell phone ring tone as well.