Four cool Brooklyn blogs have come to Gowanus Lounge’s attention in the last few days, so we thought we’d help spread the good news.
First among equals is Coney Island Shortcakes, which is being brought to you by the people that have set up a Strawberry Shortcake stand on the boardwalk near Cha Cha’s. We’re keeping an eye on this one, as it should provide superb documentation of the summer season at the Brooklyn Riveria. Before the rain cut short our day at the Mermaid Parade on Saturday we were on our way to sample the shortcake (tough job though it would have been), having bypassed them the week before. Good chance we’ll be getting a taste this weekend, though.
Second, is 3 Bikini, which we learned about thanks to the Brooklyn Blog Fest. It bills itself as “Musings on Design, Brooklyn, and the space in between.” The coverage is eclectic, but there’s a real neighborhood emphasis on Prospect Heights/Park Slope and on the changing streetscape and development, which is the quickest way to our heart, other than sending chocolate or cake. It’s barely two weeks old, but off to an excellent start.
Third, is the Porkchop Express, which deals heavily with the food scene and specifically with pork. While GL largely hews to a vegetarian road, we wouldn’t dream of denying anyone knowledge of where they can get a daily dose of flesh, especially pork, which tempts us with relapse on a daily basis. There’s some very cool info about restaurants and even a nod to veggies, with the entry Veggie Might.
Fourth, is a brand new blog called Runs Brooklyn/Brooklyn Runs written by a Greenpoint resident that will track his runs around the Borough of Kings. As a lifelong armchair runner, GL fully appreciates and admires RB/BR’s efforts and will watch carefully (from a chair, in front of his computer). The blogger’s ambitious goal is running every street in Brooklyn.