Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Ways to Chill Out, Part Two: Ye Olde Coney Island Mist Machine

August 3rd, 2006 · No Comments


If you’ve been to Coney Island, you know that there isn’t a spot of shade to be found anywhere on the boardwalk or within a block of the water, other the shade created by man-made structures. That’s why the little mist machines installed at a couple of spots on the boardwalk–although they’re really advertising platforms that spray water–are so nice. Our advice: If it’s a zillion degrees, go late in the day or, better yet, in the evening. If you do go during the day, invest serious time in the water and doin’t think about what’s in the water, because Coney Island is really more New York Harbor than Atlantic Ocean. At least, that’s what a lot of reputable maps call it. For real ocean, you have to go to the Rockaways.

Tags: coney island