Who says Atlantic Yards opponents don’t have a sense of humor? No Land Grab caught our attention with the, um, headline “BRUCE JOINS BANDWAGON, CALLS FOR MORE TIME FOR PUBLIC REVIEW.” Specifically:
Developer Bruce Ratner stunned Atlantic Yards supporters and critics alike when he held a press conference yesterday on the steps of City Hall, calling on the Empire State Development Corporation to allow for more time for the public to review of the Atlantic Yards Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The do-gooding liberal developer stated, “Fair is fair. We’ve had over two years to produce two-thousand pages explaining why Brooklynites will barely even notice that Atlantic Yards is there. The public needs more than two months to read the sucker and figure out we’re right.”…Only Brooklyn Borough President and Cheerleader in Chief Marty Markowtiz remains as the sole supporter of the current review schedule. Markowitz has publicly stated (this is no joke folks!), “Extending the public-comment period to 66 days — more than double the required 30 for a DEIS — and holding two open public sessions, including one in September, instead of the required one, represents a fair attempt by ESDC to address the concerns of some in the community regarding a summer hearing.”
Thanks for the chuckle, No Land Grab, but Dear God, Marty, you’re killing us.
BONUS: Also of note is Dope on the Slope’s wonderful examination of the word “shrill,” which he decides to call “Shrilljoy.” It starts like this:
“I’m shrill.
Some of my best friends are shrill.
As the tastemakers and trendspotters might say, “shrill is the new black,” and I’m proud to be on the cutting edge.
Absolute required reading.
[Photo courtesy of Newington on flickr]