Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Tonight’s Free Concert: The B-52s Play Coney Island

August 10th, 2006 · No Comments

Reminder: The B-52s are playing a free concert tonight at Asser Levy/Seaside Park in Coney Island. (If you haven’t been, it’s at West Fifth Street and Surf Avenue opposite the Aquarium.) It’s part of the 28th Annual Seaside Summer Concert Series. The listed start time is 7:30.

The show is part of a very small mini-tour, and the band is going into the studio next month to record a new album soon that will be produced by Steve Osborne. Regardless, we really like the idea of seeing the B-52s in Coney and look forward to hearing Fred Schneider sing, “Pass the tanning butter,” a stone’s throw from the boardwalk. Hot Lava, Private Idaho and Rock Lobster by the sea. What more can one ask for on an August night in Brooklyn?

Tags: coney island