Special GL Questions of the Day:
How early will people start lining up for the Atlantic Yards Public Hearing? Did anyone camp out overnight? How many people will be turned away?
Atlantic Yards:
- Atlantic Yards Friends and Foes Prepare to State Case [Sun]
- How Big? Way Big! [AYR]
- RPA Offers More Criticism Than Praise for Atlantic Yards, but Says Too Late to Turn Back [AYR]
- DEIS Traffic Analysis So Flawed, a New One is Needed [AYR]
- Blogs Weigh in on RPA Weigh-In [No Land Grab]
- It’s DEIS Day [Develop Don’t Destroy]
Non-Atlantic Yards:
- Mystery Williamsburg Construction Site [Brownstoner]
- Red Hook’s Small Town Court Room [Brooklyn Record]
- Sunset Parker Reviews Sunset Park Dumpling Options [OTBKB]
- NY Times Discovers Bay Ridge Restaurants [Bay Ridge Blog]
- Hydrangea is Official Bay Ridge Bloom [NYDN]