For those that have missed previous posts and maps, we offer up the beauty below, which is way more frightening than anything Gowanus Lounge ever managed. Douglaston Development, which is creating “The Edge,” a mega-highrise project on the Williamsburg waterfront, has prepared this eye-grabbing map and brochure of Future Williamsburg. Call it the graphic evidence of The End of the funky, hipster neighborhood that everyone knew and loved. The map, in all its glory–note the 1.5 million square feet of space (about 100,000 of it retail) the project will include–is reproduced below. (The good news: Another Water Taxi stop!) Pile driving is in full swing on the two-square-block parcel between Kent Avenue and the East River.
Today’s news is that the developer is opening a sales office at Bedford and N. 6th in the retail space where Spacial used to be, whose current asking rent is in the $8,000 per month range. Gaze and weep.

1 response so far ↓
1 i'mjustsayin // Aug 24, 2006 at 4:18 pm
Love how the map shows the L train’s route in the context of cross-river transport along with the future Water Taxi route. For those who make the three block walk to the Bedford stop, good luck getting on a train that’s already at capacity during the ’06 morning rush.
Also, are they really going to build the lot way out into the river? Or does that box show the morning shadow footprint?