“Appropriate” is Gowanus Lounge’s Weasel Word of the Week, making an appearance in not one, but two, interesting explanations of things.
Case Number One: This week’s Gotcha’ Moment, in which Brownstoner caught City Council Member and Congressional candidate David Yassky moments before he was about to attend a fundraiser hosted by architect Robert Scarano. The fundraiser was iced after Brownstoner reported it because, a Yassky spokesperson explained, “the campaign didn’t think it was appropriate.” It was later explained that the event was approved by a campaign aide who didn’t know any better and that the campaign as “hundreds” of staffers. We’re guessing it’s more appropriate if the developer checks are written and passed on quietly. We wonder: Would it be inappropriate to reassign the anonymous low-level and oblivious staffer who keeps the candidate’s schedule to handing out leaflets through September 12?by
Case Number Two: This week’s Dress the Pigeon as a Duck and Hope They Believe It Quacks Moment, in which the Empire State Development Corp. extended the public comment period on Atlantic Yards by a week because it’s “appropriate,” in the words of ESDC’s spokesperson. Not only “appropriate” in this case, but, um, legally required? Apologies if the question is inappropriate.
For these reasons, GL thinks it’s appropriate to make appropriate the Weasel Word of the Week.