Gowanus Lounge had thought that many of New York City’s
We say this in jest, because we already knew that prostitutes still frequent Third Avenue under cover of night, but we nonetheless find the discussion over at Daily Slope, which has been ongoing all week, enlightening. The writer writes:
A few nights ago I was walking my dog at somewhere between 10 and 11 at night. I headed down to Gowanus just for a change of pace – I usually walk the dog in Park Slope. As I was walking along St Johns between Third and Fourth Ave, a man in a truck slowed right down, leered and then asked me “how much?”. When I looked at him with disgust and started to run away, he looked extremely embarrassed. WTF. I was wearing sweatpants and an old t-shirt at the time too…
One response says:
Apparently your curb crawler jut woke up from a deep freeze. That box area, from Atlantic & Nevins to 4th Ave to Nevins & Carroll up to 3rd Ave was a notorious streetwalker back in the day before you gentrifiers brought up real estate values. Up until five years ago, maybe a little more.
To which the following response says:
I’m not sure how bad it was 5 yrs ago but I’ve seen pleny of hookers on Nevins St. from about Dean st. to Union St. in the very recent past. Like yesterday. They hang out by the factories. I usually shoot down Nevins on the way home late at night. Not a great place to walk the dog.
All of which is well and good, but there are currently hundreds of Brooklyn-based prostitutes erotic services providers advertising on Craigslist like “Brooklyn Showing You’ll Love” and “Beautiful Feet Available for Worship” in Park Slope. Get thee to a computer, gentlemen.