One of our “check every day sites,” mlik, morphed into a new site named seriously excited! a few days ago, and we thought it was worth noting here. seriously excited! is billed as “a story in few words.” The explanation from Dalton, the blogger behind the old mlik site and the new serious excited!:
This site has a new name and address. What was formerly called mlik.org is now just seriously excited! Because, let’s face it, mlik was just a weird name. Stunning, I know. You can barely contain your excitement.
We’ll miss mlik, but we’re, um, very excited about seriously excited!.
1 response so far ↓
1 dalton // Sep 3, 2006 at 12:55 pm
Wow – I can’t believe anyone noticed! Well thanks. There is a real reason behind the change of the look of the site, which is that I am featuring more photos and fewer nonsense ramblings, as I am actively working to become a better photographer. A clean, minimalist look seems to suit that purpose.
I decided a spiffy new name was in order, which also happens to be much easier to explain to people who are trying to get to my site.
I can’t tell you how many times I had to explain to a confused friend when they asked “what’s… um, mlik?”