Brooklinks is a selection of Brooklyn-related news stories, blog items and images.
Required Readings of the Day:
- Paying Off Ratner: Public Cost May Soar if Project Shrinks [Brooklyn Papers]
- “Secret” Ratner Atlantic Yards Scaleback Options [AYR]
- Clinton Hill Blog Meets Neighborhood Pig [Clinton Hill Blog]
Excellent Reading:
- Pushing for a 9-11 Memorial on the Brooklyn Promenade [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
- Are You Ready Brooklyn? [Brooklyn Record]
- Race for 11th is All Tied Up [NYDN]
- Brooklyn Housing Prices Still Booming [NYPost]
- The Havoc Caused by Ernesto in Sheepshead Bay [Sail Brooklyn]
- The New Target at Flatbush and Nostrand [seriously excited!]
- Brookyn Artists’ Gym Show [A Brooklyn Life]
- Brooklyn, Lost and Found [Polis]
- Multi-Media Project Opening at Kentler Gallery [B61 Productions]
- Open House New York is Oct. 7 & 8 [Daily Gotham]
1 response so far ↓
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