“After School Art” is a cool group show that kicks off today (Thursday, 9/21) at the Laila Lounge on N. 7th Street in Williamsburg and runs through October 17. There are more than a dozen featured artists in the show, which has been put together by s.u.n.Arts.
We learned about the when we got an email from the good people at Coney Island Shortcakes, also known as thundercut in their more serious incarnation as graphic artists and publishers of an excellent literary mag called SHERBERT. They have a couple of pieces in the shows and will also be serving up their shortcakes at the opening soiree at Laila, tonight between 7PM and Midnight. There’s a good item on the show over at Cool Hunting.
(Coney Island Shortcakes also noted the upcoming weekend will be their last slinging shortcakes on the boardwalk in front of Cha Cha’s, right next to Shoot the Freak, so if you haven’t been and the sun is out, check ’em out. Thanks for putting many smiles on many faces this summer, Dan and Kalene.)