It’s long been known that the decisive battle over the Atlantic Yards development will play out in the courtroom. The litigation–or actually multiple lawsuits–are likely to be coming regardless of the outcome of the Empire State Development Corporation‘s vote, the major suit centering around the use of eminent domain to take land for the project. The litigation will occur regardless of whether some public concerns about the project’s scale, density, traffic and environmental impacts are addressed by the ESDC and incorporated into a revised plan before approval or whether (West Side Stadium Killer) Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver can be convinced to hold out for more changes as part of the Public Authorities Control Board vote.
On that note, Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn will be raising money for its legal fund via a Walk Don’t Destroy walkathon on October 21. Last November, 400 Walkathoners raised more than $50,000 to support DDDB. The group’s last major public activity was a large rally at Grand Army Plaza on a blistering hot July day.
More information about the Walkathon is available here.