Here’s the fourth installment in our fledgling Gowanus Lounge Brookvids Series, a few minutes on the wonderful Carroll Street Bridge in Gowanus. The Carroll Street Bridge is one of our favorite offbeat spots in Brooklyn, one of those places that transports you from everyday NYC and puts you somewhere else entirely. It has always reminded us, for some reason, of Amsterdam. (Oddly, as a kind of fourth cousin, twice removed of the Magere Brug, the skinny bridge over the Amstel River. Okay, so go ahead and laugh.) In any case, music here is American Analog Set. To view, click on this link or, of course, just click on the embed.
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1 response so far ↓
1 ConeyHOP // Sep 23, 2006 at 6:57 am
Nicely done. Looking forward to more areas covered in your BrookVids.