So, Coney Island may be done for the season, the rides now surrounded by fences and “Attack Dog” signs, but Halloween means Creep Show at the Freak Show, which is billed as “one of the best haunted tours in all of New York City. Audience members are greeted by live entertainment and taken on a half-hour guided tour featuring a frightening array of ghosts and ghouls.”
The Creep Show (here is where we would have put the snarky comment about how it’s not affiliated with any of the major developers operating in Brooklyn, if we were in a bad mood) is going on at Sideshows by the Seashore Theater, which is at the corner of Surf Avenue and West 12th Street. Nice post about the Creep Show over at Kinetic Carnival too.
It started yesterday, Friday the 13th, and runs Oct. 14, 15, 20, 21, 22 and the entire week of October 25-31, with shows continuously from 7 PM to 11 PM. The price is $8 adults and $5 for kids under 12, and truth in advertising requires us to say we’ve never been, but how could you go wrong?