Brooklinks is a daily selection of Brooklyn-related news stories, blog items and images.
Holy Crap, We Are Not Making This Up:
- Almost Busted for “Suspicion of Littering” on the G Train [Fast Hugs via Gothamist]
Regular Stuff:
- Ratner Expects Final Atlantic Yards Approval in a Matter of Weeks [AYR]
- Will Prospect Heights Become a Parking Lot? [Brooklyn Record]
- Brooklyn Speaks on the Arena and Eminent Domain [No Land Grab]
- Brooklyn Navy Yard Expansion Begins [NYT]
- Admiral’s Row: Community Will be “Better Served” by Supermarket [NYDN]
- Light and Air on Kent (For Now) [Brownstoner]
- Pumpkin Carving at Outpost on Thursday [Clinton Hill Blog]
- The Land of Mystifying Cafes [Daily Slope]
- Myrtle Avenue Gossip [Clinton Hill Blog]
- Park Slope Bank of America is a Mess [OTBKB]
- Seventh Avenue Park Slope Olive Vine Fire Property Finally Sold [OTBKB]
- Cypress Hills: So Close to East New York, Yet So Far [Animal]
- Brooklyn Old School: 1845 Map of Greenpoint [Sunset Parker]