When we first noticed holiday decorations on Flatbush Avenue last weekend, it came as a shock. When we noticed them on Graham Avenue in Williamsburg, we still shook our heads. When we saw them on Steinway Street in Astoria, though, we didn’t even bother to take a picture, being resigned ourselves to seeing them everywhere in the next week or so. No snowflakes up on Seventh Avenue in Park Slope yet or decorations on Fifth Avenue, but we assume that’s only because workers have been busy in places like this and Astoria. (There were a ton of stories yesterday about the aptly named “Christmas Creep,” the phenomenon of Christmas coming earlier and earlier every year as retailers try to squeeze every last dime out of the season. You can sample the stories here and here.) In any case, the photo above is the view on Halloween on Graham Avenue and Metropolitan in Williamsburg. No boos. Just ho, ho, ho’s.
1 response so far ↓
1 Sean Carter // Nov 1, 2006 at 12:47 am
The retailers really bring Christmas a lot early to barge into the early sales…. The decorations and the signs in stores came as early as beigning of October…
You can also check out my Christmas Blog to check out some really cool stuffs and unique ideas