The New York Times today catches up with the incredible level of development in Williamsburg and Greenpoint and the level to which it is having a negative impact on quality of life and on the community itself. The article also deals which such issues as the lack of affordable housing in the first developments being completed. There were 337 complaints lodged with the Department of Buildings in September about construction. The article details some of the quality of life horrors that residents are enduring, including very real threats to their safety.
Better late than never, one supposes.
Meantime, the most disturbing instance of cultural and historic vandalism in Williamsburg–the demolition of the Old Dutch Mustard factory–is done. All that remains of this wonderful building is a pile of rubble and a musty, concrete dust smell in the air. The building was gone late last week. We swung by this weekend to catch a look at the demolition equipment in action and to get one last shot of Dutch demo porn. In related news, a Willimasburg tipster says a voodoo practitioner has placed the “Curse of Old Dutch” (AKA the Curse of the Bursting Williamsburg Real Estate Bubble) on Steiner Equities. Any project that occupies the former site is doomed to price depreciation and mulitple construction defects including a tragically flawed plumbing system. Click here to go over to the youtube page or just click on the embed.