Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Fun with "Plague" of Winter Mosquitos in Brooklyn

January 9th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Ah, the joys of warm winter weather. Like the discussion over at the Prospect Heights Forum, picked up by the Daily Heights, about the “Plague of Winter Mosquitos in Prospect Heights.” The original poster back in late December on the Message Board writes:

Is anyone else around here still getting mosquitoes? Two nights ago I got mosquito bites on my arm while sleeping. And last week when it was warm they totally ate my face. No kidding, I looked like I’d been beaten, with mosq bits on eyelids, lower lip and cheeks. I know lots of people on this message board were complaining about them a month or so ago. Am I the only one still getting bit?

And there was this response:

sometime last week I saw a mosquito the size of a sparrow flying around. I got a few welts, too, from the rat-fink bastard.

And this post from yesterday:

I had one buzzing around my ear last night. he must be friends with the cockroach that came in a few days ago. i think they’re throwing little global warming parties and laughing at me.

So that’s why there’s an extra special plague of Buick-sized waterbugs in Brownstone Brooklyn this winter. Miserable warm weather-loving New York City pests and vermin.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Jan 9, 2007 at 5:01 pm

    We live in Boerum Hill and suffered the attack both this past week and a month ago. Unreal.