Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Brooklyn Reading Works, Thursday Night

January 17th, 2007 · No Comments

The next installment of Brooklyn Reading Works, the series held at the Old Stone House between Third and Fourth Streets and Fourth and Fifth Avenues, features Adarro Minton, the author of the short story collection Gay, Black, Crippled, Fat. He’ll be reading on January 18 at 8PM, and admission is $5. A short excerpt from the intro, to give you the flavor of this provocative work:

I have been expelled from St Peter Claver, St Catherine of Siena, and The Union Springs Academy, a Seventh Day Adventist boarding school, after refusing to submit to a weekly shower game that five lusty upper-classmen came up with. I survived the disco era in New York City, in imagined opulent splendor at Studio 54, Better Days, The Nickel Bar, 220 Club, The Saint, The Mineshaft, and The Paradise Garage. I survived mescaline, blotter acid, cocaine, freebase cocaine, crack, danger sex in subway bathrooms, hunger, homelessness, and three serious suicide attempts. In 1999, I lost the use of my arms and legs to a mysterious, and still undiagnosed form of myositis. Thanks to 12 steps, and the love of K.D. Haynes, I got up (so to speak) off of my clinically depressed ass, and in the year 2000, I began to forage through a lifetime of stories circling my soul. This collection represents the first set of them.

Excellent stuff.

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