Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Gowanus Back in the Day

January 17th, 2007 · 1 Comment

2007_01_Gowanus Back in the Day One

We revive our Gowanus Back in the Day feature of historic photos of the Big G with this excellent old black and white that has been lurking on our hard drive. The photo is from the Brooklyn Public Library‘s extensive collection of historic Brooklyn pics. The photo would have been taken, more or less, from the location of what is now Lowe’s. The description reads, “Gowanus canal at 9th Street drawbridge beneath elevated bridge or highway; two tugboats in right foreground; two men observing canal traffic from booth and platform at left; girders supporting elevated bridge at right and left; large water tank in background.” And, the caption says, “Up-sa-daisy — Ninth St. drawbridge reluctantly opens its jaws to allow one of the Gowanus Towing Company’s tiny tugs, the Victorious, to drag its giant-size barge through the Canal. Many of the Gowanus tug admirals have seen half a century wreak its changes along the Canal. The company has only four tugs now in active service, including the wonderfully named Hesperus.” Ah, the old days.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Bob Gale // Sep 10, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    Interesting picture of one of my grandfather’s tugs. He was one of the family coowners of the Gowanus Towing Co.