Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Vintage Video: Coney Island from the Air, 1991

January 21st, 2007 · 1 Comment

Here’s a short vid we found via Kinetic Carnival of Coney Island shot from the air in 1991. (Originally posted, it seems, by Feltmans_4_mine on the Coney Island Message Board.) The poster describes it as follows: “A short airplane ride along the beach at Coney Island. Shot in 1991. From Brighton beach to Steeplechase Park. Good view of Astroland Amusement park and the Thunderbolt roller coaster. You can even see the Parachute Jump Ride and the footprint of George C. Tilyou’s Steeplchase Pavilion that has been gone since the 60s.” Click on the embed or on this link.

Tags: coney island

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