Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Gowanus #1: What’s the Plan?

January 25th, 2007 · No Comments

Gowanus Land Use 3D

If you’re interested in the entire Gowanus planning and zoning issues, representatives from the Department of Planning are making a presentation tonight (1/25) to Community Board 6 on “a land use framework for further planning discussions” in the Gowanus Canal area. Given the recent publication of a Comprehensive Plan drawn up by the Gowanus Canal Community Development Corporation and a likely rezoning by the city (and developer pressure for zoning decisions), it’s the beginning of an important conversation. The meeting starts at 6:00PM at St. Mary’s Residence, which is at 41 First Street (between Hoyt and Bond Streets). The entire Community Board 6 calendar is available here.

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