Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

New MTV Pilot About Life in a Brooklyn High School

February 7th, 2007 · No Comments

So, MTV is going to bee shooting a pilot show about Brooklyn, specifically about “what life is like for the average Brooklyn high school student,” in the words of Brooklyn Tech High School News. (Credit for this find goes to Brooklyn Enthusiast.) The producers are looking for Brooklyn Tech sophomores and juniors. In the words of BTHS News:

MTV’s newest soon-to-be hit show is Brooklyn. The premise is to paint an accurate picture for America of what life is like for the average Brooklyn high school student. Brooklyn, New York is made up of the Caribbean Americans of Flatbush, the Hasidic Jews of Crown Heights, the hipsters of Williamsburg and the peacenik families of Park Slope. The infamous Fort Greene projects, artsy DUMBO, upscale Brooklyn Heights and the soon-to-be arriving NBA Brooklyn Nets. With 2.6 million people packed in Brownstones, tenements and multi-unit apartment complexes, Brooklyn is a jumble of cultures, creeds and economic strata. A cross between Harlem in its heyday and Paris, Brooklyn is the ultimate city within a city. In fact, if it weren’t already incorporated into New York City, Brooklyn would be the third biggest city in the country. It’s said that one out of every six Americans has had a parent or grandparent who lived in Brooklyn at some point.

With that said, there is only one school in all of Brooklyn that represents all of those people, and that is Brooklyn Tech High School. BTHS does not only represent the people of Brooklyn, it also offers the inspiration, education, values and glimmer of hope that all the other public schools are lacking. With a student body of 4,000, BTHS represents the many faces of teenagers in Brooklyn. Rich, poor, Asian, Black, White, Hispanic and everyone in between come here to learn.

We know some people that would take issue with the “soon-to-be-arriving NBA Brooklyn Nets” comment, especially given the arguments scheduled for Federal court today on the eminent domain issue, but putting that aside, fun stuff.

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