- Awning Duel [Atomische]
- Gnarly Gowanus Reflection [e-liz/flickr]
- Hot and Buttery Desktop [Brit in Brooklyn]
- ESP Construction Corp. [Bluejake]
- Atlantic Avenue Lights [seriously excited!]
- No Words_Daily Pix [Hugh Crawford/OTBKB]
- Blue Train [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Gowanus Street Art [Food of the Future]
- Clean Society Cleaners [Clinton Hill Blog]
- Bloomberg Wary of Starrett City Buyer [Real Deal]
- In Coney Island, Mr. Sitt Learns From Mr. Ratner [AYR]
- Out-of-Control Park Slope Ankle Biters and Their Poopy Head Parents [Daily Slope]
- Brooklyn Public Library Drops (Censors) Anti-Atlantic Yards Art [Brooklyn Record]
- Library Says It’s Not Censorhip, Just Public Funding [TRE]
- Greepoint Oil Spill Suit with Cool Map [Gothamist]
- Second Elderly Brooklyn Woman Freezes to Death [NYDN]
- Fun at Methodist Hospital, Part II [I’m Seeing Green]
- Dumbo as Destination [Brooklyn Enthusiast]
- Romantic Brooklyn Valentine’s Day Restaurants [About Brooklyn]
- Going to Be a Great Ride in Coney [Brit in Brooklyn]