It’s Sunday, the day we turn to our favorite Brooklyn Craigslist Missed Connection of the week. We didn’t spot anything totally off the wall this week, so we’re going to highlight one of the more amusing ships passing in the night postings about a teacher, a guy and his dog.
you are an 8th grade teacher who likes dogs – m4w – 30
i met you at the local bar by my apartment in williamsburg, i actually have no idea what its called, but my friends were there drinking and i hopped in there for a few and you were there. we got to talking and you told me that you teach the 8th grade and that you really like my dog. we would both like to get to know you better, me primarily, the dog just wants to lick you really. i would have tried to talk to you more but i saw you were with a few friends, but now i really regret it.