That 12-story building proposed for 42nd Street in Sunset Park continues attracting opposition. Last week, Community Board 7 voted unanimously to denounce the “non-contextual” building, which would be located at 420 42nd Street. Now, CB7 is going to have a community meeting on the development on Thursday (March 1) at 6:30. The meeting will offer an update on the project and a discussion of how the community can “fight the project.” The meeting will take place at the Community Board Office, which is at 4201 4th Avenue at the corner of 43rd Street. (Which is basically a block from the development.) The Sunset Park Alliance of Neighbors (SPAN) will have a meeting on the development on Saturday, March 3. (We don’t have an address on that meeting.) Neighbors are objecting to the development because it would rise on a block of three- and four-story buildings and because it would interfere with views from Sunset Park and of St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church.
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