Here’s an interesting mystery: Why have dozens of windows at the old Domino Sugar Plant in Williamsburg been opened in the last few weeks? The Waterfront Preservation Alliance of Greenpoint & Williamsburg, which is working hard to try to save the historic building, would certainly like to know. They write:
Now this building has stood solidly in its place for almost 125 years, so we can only hope that a few weeks of exposure to the elements will not do any damage. Still, it raises questions of what the developers are doing with this important historic resource, and why there are suddenly dozens of windows left open during the coldest part of the year. Seriously, in addition to the potential for damage to the structure caused by exposure, freezing pipes and freezing and thawing masonry, such neglect invites vandals and explorers.
Given the terrible fate that has befallen historic Brooklyn buildings in recent years, it certainly raises troubling questions. The group has an online petition calling for the landmarking of the building.