Our Greenpoint correspondent hit us off with multiple photos of the big neighborhood construction site at 110 Green Street that is destined to be the home of a very glassy new condo building. We present some of those pics here, taking note of the fact that it’s a very accessible site to anyone in the neighborhood that wants the privacy of a vacant lot. The wide open site, however, in the words of our correspondent, has “a brand-spanking new metal gate. This is kind of funny given that other parts of the fence are totally falling apart AND another gate had been left open.” The site also had a visit from the Department of Buildings today (for reasons that are unknown, although it has a couple of outstanding violations for work without a permit). More fence photos, and a shot of a visit from the Fire Department are below. If the past is an indicator of the future, this should be one of those spots that provides thrills until the day the last Sub-Zero is installed.

Decorative Main Gate
Related Post:
Demolition Porn: Greenpoint Snow Scene
1 response so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Mar 14, 2007 at 8:30 pm
i live in that red building next door. the cops and fdny were there that day because a 2 foot diameter hole was punched clear through the wall of an apartment on the second floor. it’s been a real nightmare…