Yesterday, we wondered about the building at N. 4th and Bedford in Williamsburg that has been in a state of demolition for nearly a year. It sits on a parcel where a massive highrise developement called “Williamsburgh Square” has been proposed by a firm called Quadriad Development. A neighborhood source emailed us to say that the semi-demolished building does not belong to Quadriad, although the firm is still hoping to purchase it. Only the cleared land you see in the photo above is owned by the developer. Meanwhile, they are moving forward to build a project on the part of the parcel they control. A presentation to the community is scheduled for March 13. Renderings and an updated proposal should be presented at that point. The buildings are still believed to be tall and far beyond what current zoning allows.
Related Post:
Massive Williamsburgh Square Development Versus the Streetscape
1 response so far ↓
1 Anonymous // Apr 13, 2007 at 1:03 pm
According to the company listed everywhere I’ve looked as the owner of the southern portion of that block, Henry Palumbo, they haven’t sold it to Quadriad or anyone else. Curious where that info came from.