Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Park it Here: Boerum Hill Group Takes on Permits

March 12th, 2007 · 2 Comments

If you’re looking for another contentious Brooklyn issue, look no further than parking permits. The Boerum Hill Association and groups from Brooklyn Heights and Fort Greene are currently running an online survey to gauge resident opinion on the subject. The group writes:

A study released by the NYCDOT reveals that these three neighborhoods meet the criteria for a resident permit program, but the DOT has taken no action. The DOT needs to hear from the public. We know resident permits do not guarantee everyone a parking space, but they would reduce car congestion and improve pedestrian safety, with fewer cars circling our streets in search of parking.

This is our community’s conception of how the program might work. Read with an open mind, understanding that it is subject to revision. Residential parking permits would be required for parking in designated areas during non-holiday weekdays from 7am to 7pm. Because there are more cars than parking spaces, the permit would not entitle the bearer to a guaranteed parking spot, but residents would have priority over non-residents and those without permits. Permits would only be available for cars that are registered in the designated area. For a Boerum Hill permit, the car would have to be registered in Boerum Hill. Annual permit cost for the first car per household would be nominal, about $30. Each additional permit per household would be higher. Short term visitors would use metered spaces or any other available space for two hours or less. For workmen and overnight guests, visitors’ permits for up to 2 weeks would be available.

Another one of those issues that seems to come up from time to time somewhere in Brooklyn.

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2 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Joel P // Mar 12, 2007 at 12:48 pm

    Hopefully this is not that much of a “contentious issue”. I believe residential permit parking (RPP) programs are pretty well known to reduce traffic. Fewer people from deepest Brooklyn will plan to use Boerum Hill as their Park-and-Ride stop to Manhattan if they know they probably won’t get a spot.

    Joel Potischman
    Vice President
    Boerum Hill Association

    p.s. I’m mentioning my BHA role in the interest of full disclosure, but these comments are my opinion, not the BHA’s position on the matter.

  • 2 Anonymous // Mar 13, 2007 at 8:01 am

    I think permits are bad precedent.
    Very unfair. And totally unnecessary.
    You should get no special priviledges for living in certain area – and that is what this group is asking for.
    Totally against.