Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Surf’s Up: More Coney Properties Sold

March 13th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Surf Avenue Property II

One of the many parcels of land that is available in Coney Island has been sold. Two parcels, at 805 and 825 Surf Avenue have been sold for $3.45 million to a group called Surf Avenue LLC. The property totals 15,700 square feet and is adjacent to the W. 8th Street subway stop and across the street from the Cyclone and New York Aquarium. The sale was reported by Stephen Witt in the Bay News. He writes:

The properties are currently zoned C-7, for an outdoor amusement area, and is across Surf Avenue from Astroland, also zoned C-7, and bought a few months ago by Thor Equities. Both properties are within the area that the city’s Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and Coney Island Development Corporation (CIDC) are planning to rezone as per the Coney Island Strategic Plan.

Possible future of the land is “a national restaurant chain” on one parcel and a parking lot on the other, possibly with a lounge or bar. “Something in the Coney Island spirit,” the agent that sold the land said. The buyer’s real identity isn’t clear, but there is some sense that it could be Taconic Investments, which already has signficant Coney Island land holdings.

Tags: coney island

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