Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Astroland’s Last Hurrah: Opens April Fool’s Day

March 18th, 2007 · 1 Comment


So, Astroland opens for its last season on April 1 and the park is going to have a “Big Blast Off” for the 2007 season, including free rides on the Cyclone for the first 100 people to arrive. A few details from the Carroll Gardens Courier:

This year marks Astroland’s final season, although the Cyclone, which celebrates its 80th birthday this summer, will continue to operate for years to come. Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz will officially launch the Cyclone at 11:30 a.m. by breaking the ceremonial bottle of authentic Brooklyn Chocolate egg cream against the coaster’s lead car.

The general public will be able to board the Cyclone at 12 p.m. To qualify to ride the Cyclone, youngsters must be at least 54 inches tall. After the first 100 visitors ride for free, the coaster’s regular $6 fee will apply. The Cyclone and the adjacent Astroland Park will also remain open for the afternoon. The Hungry March Band, Kinko the Clown and Angie Pontani will provide entertainment for the festivities.

For additional information, the public can call 718-265-2100 or visit www.astroland.com. The Cyclone, which debuted in the summer of 1927, will celebrate its 80th anniversary June 26. There will be a massive celebration on that day, led by a team of roller coaster-riding octogenarians from around the country. Since 1962, Coney Island’s Astroland has been the centerpiece of the world-famous Coney Island amusement zone, with more than 35 rides and attractions.

Thor Equities bought Astroland last year. The Cyclone is a landmark and will remain, but the remainder of the park will be redeveloped. Current plans call for a hotel and some sort of amusement facility on the site called Coney Island Park.

Tags: coney island

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Miss Lo // Mar 18, 2007 at 3:18 pm

    Coaster riding octogenarians? I’d pay good money to see that.

    As for tis being AstroLand’s last year, it breaks my heart. does anyone know if they will be selling off the signage or rides?