The Carroll Gardens Hell Building–which gained its name due to the infernal nature of construction work–is becomign a poster child for rezoning in Carroll Gardens. A meeting of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association where downzoning was discussed is reported in the new Carroll Gardens Courier. Many residents say the “Hell” building on Carroll Street is emblematic of problems with new construction in the low-rise neighborhood, which is zoned R6, a designation that is on the higher end of the density scale. The zoning has allowed for new buildings significantly taller than existing buildings. (The “Hell” building has sprouted several extra floor atop an existing industrial structure that is being gut renovated.) Ironically, the neighborhood’s signature feature–big front-yard gardens–allow developers more density than they would otherwise have.
"Carroll Gardens Hell Building" Becomes Poster Child for Rezoning
March 19th, 2007 · No Comments
The Carroll Gardens Hell Building–which gained its name due to the infernal nature of construction work–is becomign a poster child for rezoning in Carroll Gardens. A meeting of the Carroll Gardens Neighborhood Association where downzoning was discussed is reported in the new Carroll Gardens Courier. Many residents say the “Hell” building on Carroll Street is emblematic of problems with new construction in the low-rise neighborhood, which is zoned R6, a designation that is on the higher end of the density scale. The zoning has allowed for new buildings significantly taller than existing buildings. (The “Hell” building has sprouted several extra floor atop an existing industrial structure that is being gut renovated.) Ironically, the neighborhood’s signature feature–big front-yard gardens–allow developers more density than they would otherwise have.
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