Given that it’s Sunday, it’s time for another Craigslist Brooklyn Missed Connection. We opted for today’s item because it’s, well, touching in its own way:
girl in green, hooded coat on G-train from Lorimer to Carroll – m4w – 37
this is pathetic. i was wearing a backpack. you looked beautiful… well, d’uh, if i didn’t think you were, would i be posting this?
we got on the G at lorimer and exited at carroll
this is stupid. nobody’s going to read this posting.
anyway. if in the one in 15 million chance you do, can you tell me what color your hair is, or where on the train we entered, or how you wore your hair? for identification’s purposes.
this is stupid. i’m a freak’in idiot
We really wish people would just say something sometimes.
Honorable Mention:
Sexy Girl at Laundrymat m4w