Our favorite Williamsburg tool, the one that bangs every property in the hood, cheated for a few days, moving it earthshaking talents north of the border into Greenpoint. We got an email that said, “Since Tuesday they have had a 5-6 story pile-driver grinding away from roughly 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. I have wanted to destroy that thing much of this week.” This is not to be confused with the conversation we had last week with someone on N. 7th Street in Williamsburg who complained his housed had been shaking all week as the pile driver banged away at N. 8th Street and Roebling. In any case, when we inquired in an off-hand way whether it was the Empire Pile driver–which we posted about on Monday–we were told that it was. It has since driven off to go bang something else in Williamsburg or Greenpoint, but our Greenpoint correspondent was good enough to photograph some evidence that North Brooklyn’s Best Banger had been there.
Related Post:
Williamsburg Gets Banged: Big Pile Driver Moves On
2 responses so far ↓
1 Matthew // Mar 30, 2007 at 9:08 pm
I’ve been able to hear it two blocks over on India Street all week. I knew as soon as I heard that ringing clang on Tuesday that it was coming from the soon to be magic johnson condo craps.
2 Lara // Apr 9, 2007 at 5:23 pm
If you actually want to see the pile driver in action and experience it for yourself…just go to my blog. Thought it was the least I could do, when I was about to lose my mind at 7:30am! I’m one of the lucky ones who resides directly in front of the project!! Yippie!!