Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Duffield Street Underground Railroad Houses Get Hearing

May 1st, 2007 · 1 Comment

A much rescheduled City Council hearing on the Underground Railroad Houses on Duffield Street takes place today at 11AM. It will be preceded by a 10AM press conference that will include Charles Barron and David Yassky. The city wants to tear down because they’re on the site of a proposed parking garage. A controversial consultant’s study downplayed the historic significance of the houses. You can watch the YouTube vid by clicking here if there is a problem with the embed. The vid details the issue and the consultant’s handling of the study. The creators of the video sent an email press release saying:

The story rightfully should anger you, because this report distorts history. The Duffield St. residents and friends of Brooklyn history are taking their case to the people via you tube. This short film is being submitted as testimony at the May 1st hearing as well.

Expect some pointed remarks at both the press conference and the hearing.

Related Posts:
Duffield Street Underground Railroad Houses Redux
Is City Consultant Deliberately Ignoring Underground Railroad Records?

Tags: Downtown Brooklyn · Duffield Street

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 raulism // May 2, 2007 at 10:46 am

    For an account of the City Council hearing, please visit undergroundrailroadsafehouses.org