Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Breaking: Community Board 6 Atlantic Yards Purge Claims Nine

May 22nd, 2007 · 1 Comment

The expected purge of Community Board 6 by Borough President Marty Markowitz has taken place. City Council Members David Yassky and Bill de Blasio also did not reappoint members. The CB6 members have reportedly been purged in retribution for their opposition to the Atlantic Yards development, although other reasons are likely to be offered for the dismissals. GL has received a list of members that have non been reappointed as part of what could be called The Atlantic Yards Saturday Night Massacre. Mr. Markowitz removed five CB 6 members. Council Member Yassky removed three CB6 members and Council Member de Blasio removed one.These are the members that have been purged (BP means they were appointed and removed by Mr. Markowitz, 39 means CM de Blasio and 33 means CM Yassky): Jerry Armer (BP), Angela Beni (BP), Pauline Blake (33), Bill Blum (BP), Al Cabbad (33), Barbara Longobardi (BP), Madelaine Murphy (39), Marilyn Oliva (BP), Theresa Ricks (33).

More details tomorrow.

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1 response so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // May 22, 2007 at 8:18 pm

    Good riddance. Atlantic Yards or not, it was long past time to take some of these fogies off of the CB — Jerry, Pauline, Madelaine — y’all won’t be missed.