[Photo courtesy f.trainer/The Food of the Future]
So, it turns out that some interesting things have gone on in the last week or so, Williamsburg Domino Plant-wise besides growing momentum for landmarking the building and the Don’t Demo Domino Concert that took place on Sunday. Several intrepid photographers and photobloggers–who have been responsible for giving us very cool looks at the Red Hook Grain Terminal, Revere Sugar Plant and other Brooklyn structures–went inside Domino. They have been posting some outstanding photos of the plant as well as views of Williamsburg that you otherwise would never see. The photos come from Nathan Kensinger Photography, Bluejake, The Food of the Future (aka f.trainer) and Mercurialn. They are all outstanding. Check them out.
[Photo courtesy of Mercurialn/flickr]
[Photo courtesy of Nate Kensinger Photography]