All hail our guest blogger Bad Advice for reporting in with news of a retail opportunity at our favorite site in Williamsburg, the Roebling Oil Field, which is now home to the Roebling Oil Building:
Anyone who’s familiar with the wealth of Texas Tea floating under the Roebling Oil Field will agree with the realtors that this prime piece of real estate, right next door to the anxiously awaited McCarren Park Mews, is indeed a phenomenal retail opportunity. With such rich resources only a couple turns of the shovel away, I’m going to suggest Jiffy Lube look into the property. Or perhaps Kennedy Fried Chicken. Whoever takes advantage, I just hope it’s not another spendy boutique where a size six is an XL and a t-shirt’ll set you back a hundred bucks. Oh, and no more Thai restaurants either. Maybe Whole Foods could commit to the corner and give it a good scrubbing—they seem to be fearless in the face of environmental disaster areas —and lord knows the Bugaboo-pushing hordes about to move in will need to get their quinoa tofu salad somewhere.
—Bad Advice
We can not pass up the opportunity to say that the 18,000 available square feet would be a superb spot for a gas station. In fact, we might say that all they’d have to do is drill deep enough to recapture some product. We could say that, but like a famous American leader once said, it would be wrong. Very, very wrong.