The rendering upon which you are gazing? It’s a building designed by the prolific Karl Fischer Architect. We came across it in the course of checking out yesterday’s Brownstoner post about Mr. Fischer’s design for a new hotel at 237 Duffield Street. While plans are currently in a state of rejection at the Department of Buildings, this building, or something very similar to it could soon rise at 399 Third Avenue, which is at the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street, next to the building with the big Eagle Clothes sign that is a Gowanus landmark. More significantly, it’s basically down the block from the Gowanus Whole Foods site. The building is described as an 11-story commercial and “community facility” and would clock in at 70,000+ square feet. (Accept our apologies if you’ve seen this before, but it’s certainly new to us.)
If you look closely at the reflection in the window of the rendering, you’ll note that it’s a big building, although none currently exist on the spot from where the reflection would be coming. (Wishful thinking? Intelligent guess?) Also, note the presence in the rendering of people in jackets and ties at Third Avenue and Sixth Street.
The developer of the Glass Tower of Gowanus is Dominic Tonnachio. If the name is familiar, that is because he is the developer of the new Hotel Le Bleu as well as a condo on Fourth Avenue and Warren Street. Demolition permits have been issued for the existing property, which has one small building, but the plans for the new building were disapproved on Aug. 14 by the Dept. of Buildings. We suspect it’s only a temporary setback.
The good news: the views of the Gowanus, the F Train and Whole Foods–especially of the parade of trucks delivering and unloading food–should be dramatic.
8 responses so far ↓
1 Miss Heather // Aug 29, 2007 at 6:33 am
I find the absence of any non-white people in this rendering very telling.
2 Anonymous // Aug 29, 2007 at 2:06 pm
miss heather…
you’re a friggin idiot!!
3 Anonymous // Aug 29, 2007 at 5:04 pm
I’m not sure of that. The woman center stage looks black (I’m presuming some sort of head wrap) and the gentleman to the far left looks rather swarthy.
Jes sayin’.
4 Anonymous // Aug 29, 2007 at 5:36 pm
If this building will make 3rd Ave look like this, I’m all for it.
5 Anonymous // Aug 30, 2007 at 12:28 am
you people need to move back to your parents trailer in ohio. new york is about change. live here ten years and you’ll realize this. it’s what defines nyc. change.
6 anon // Jul 18, 2008 at 2:22 pm
The new building has actually been approved by DOB on April 18. This thing is on its way-along with everything else.
7 اس ام اس // Jan 12, 2009 at 2:55 pm
You are the best commenter on the planet! I should just give up and take lessons from you.
8 mot // Apr 14, 2009 at 11:02 am
All the development down around there has been really terribly designed. Talk about ruining a great opportunity to create a hip district (the only reason anyone would ever want to commute to gowanus for)