Williamsburg advice and development blogger Bad Advice hit us off with this picture of a fence that went down at the Karl Fischer building that’s going up uber fast at the corner of N. 8 and Roebling. She writes that it’s “of a destroyed construction fence on the corner of N. 8th and Roebling. There were two cranes there–I guess a truck backed into it or something.” It certainly looks like it would have had a little bit of an Ouch Factor if you’d been next to it when it went down. The building, which is 63 Roebling, was a Construction Site du Jour in the past for its fairly open fence.
The thing that fascinates us about that building, which is a couple of blocks from the Roebling Oil Field and, in fact, has a monitoring well drilled into the Roebling Street sidewalk (these test wells are scattered about here and there in the neighborhood) is that no significant hole was dug for a foundation, which is interesting in that most buildings we see are excavated one or two stories below street level.