- Gowanus Autumn Standard View [Bluejake]
- Bay Ridge Freight Line Heavy Metal [Gowanus/flickr]
- Red Hook Grain Terminal and Baseball Game [seriously excited!]
- Goodnight Astroland Desktop [Brit in Brooklyn]
- Fire Hydrant Fun [Park Slope Street Photography]
- Splinter [Lex’s Folly]
- Greenpoint Coffeehouse [Erin Sheehan/flickr]
Not Photos:
- Nets CEO Predicts Arena Groundbreaking in Next Two Months? [AYR]
- A Tree Dies in Brooklyn [No Land Grab]
- Save Coney Island Meeting [Kinetic Carnival]
- Housing Sales Starting to Fall in Brooklyn Sub-Prime Neighborhoods [Crains]
- Help Us Find the Siding-est Street in Greenpoint [newyorkshitty]
- At Least It Wasn’t Kiddie Poo [Brooklynometry]
- 18 Bedford Gets Interesting [A Test of Will]
- Five New Myrtle Restaurants in Five Weeks [Myrtle Minutes]
- Third Street Organic Grape Harvest [OTBKB]
- Local Yokel [Greenpointers]
- Brooklyn Surrogate Judge Race Gets Hot [NYT]