Williamsburg Meeting on East River State Park on Thursday
September 18th, 2007 · No Comments

We were wandering on Kent Avenue when we looked down near N. 8th Street and saw a bunch of flyers and a sign that said “Take One.” So, we did and found that they were for a meeting about
East River State Park (aka the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Park) across the street that will take place on Thursday, September 20, at 6:30PM. (Sometimes the low-tech approach to publicity works.) The flyer says “We have a new park on the waterfront and you can make it even better” and that they’re “Seeking good folk with bright ideas and energy who want to make our waterfront park great.” The meeting is sponsored by
Neighbors Allied for Good Growth, also known as
NAG which, once upon a time, was known as Neighbors Against Garbage. The location is the Brooklyn Brewery, which is at 79 N. 11th Street at the corner of Wythe.
Tags: Parks · Williamsburg