This email from the Boerum Hill group was passed on to us. It is slightly reminiscent of the hooliganism incident in Carroll Park a couple of months back that got some traction and also addresses issues of what the writer sees as a non-caring attitude by police about “anti-social incidents.” Here is it:
On Saturday night, at about 11 p.m., as my husband and I were returning from the F train, a group of four youths started pelting us with pebbles and acorns on Dean Street, starting at Hoyt, and continuing as we were opening the door to our house. The four hoodlums continued east on Dean Street after we got into our house. In the past, I’ve tried the precinct, and I’ve always been told to call “911,” although I’d be taught as a child that “911” was for emergencies-in-progress like a robbery or heart attack. Knowing that the precinct did not accept these calls, I called “911,” and, predictably, got a very nonchalant response.
A couple days later, before work, I looked out my window and saw a dissheveled man sitting on the stoop of our neighbor’s house across the street. He was eating items out of a bag and throwing detritus (bones, bottles, wrappers) onto the sidewalk of my neighbor’s house and all over the steps. He was throwing the items as if it were sport to him. It was a disgusting mess. I went to get the phone to call “911” but by the time I got back to the window, the man was gone and my neighbor’s house was covered with litter (so I didn’t call)…
It occurs to me that we should have officers on foot, in uniform, patrolling our neighborhood. Then we could walk up to an officer and ask for assistance. (From time to time, when an incident has occurred and we happened to find officers in the area, they were extremely helpful and responsive.)
For those who have a liaison with the [84th Precinct], would it be possible for the precinct to set up a “hotline” we could call, and they could dispatch officers by foot or car for these non-emergency situations? I can understand how “911” has bigger fish to fry, but the status quo does not permit a rapid response to an anti-social incident in progress.
An “anti-social incident in progress”?
UPDATE: One of the regular 84th Precinct community meetings is coming up on Tuesday, October 16. It is at 7PM. The precinct is at 301 Gold Street.
20 responses so far ↓
1 Matt Rogers // Oct 4, 2007 at 6:43 am
You should attend the 84th Precinct community meetings to let the police know of your complaints – the next meeting is on Tuesday, October 16, at 7pm at the precinct station – 301 Gold Street. The captain has been very receptive to this type of information.
2 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 7:01 am
You live in Boerum Hill so what do you expect? Gentrifiers are funny.
3 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 7:04 am
Boy, is Brooklyn ever getting precious.
4 Matt // Oct 4, 2007 at 7:08 am
The 76th Precinct in Carroll Gardens is fairly good about responding to this sort of thing. There are some kids who live next door who are infamous on the block for drinking and making noise on their stoop until late at night. The 76th rolls a car by within 10 minutes of getting a call.
5 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 9:21 am
hoyt and dean? um…. you live a couple blocks from the projects. get over yourself. those anti-social people were there before you and they don’t like you.
“bones and detritus”? a man eating chicken near the projects? i’ve never seen THAT before. shocking. call the cops.
6 elvira black // Oct 4, 2007 at 10:28 am
The NYPD simply does not have enough personnel to respond to every quality of life complaint. No worries though—soon enough the area will be so uber-gentrified that you will no longer be “disturbed” by “real life” in NYC.
Though yes, IMO attending community meetings may help quite a bit.
7 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 1:02 pm
i love brooklyn, but these people are killin’ it for me.
8 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 2:07 pm
Although calling 911 in these situations seems absurd, it is how calls are assigned. And calls are ranked, so after the shootings and robberies and car break-ins were cleared, a patrol car probably drove down your block (three hours later) and the officers wrote it up as ‘nothing observed.’ On those rare occasions that calling the precinct directly results in a patrol car responding, it is because the desk officer who took the call dialed 911 themselves.
I too suggest attending precinct council meetings, as tiresome as they are. Squeeky wheel, and all that. And don’t just go, develop relationships with the command and community affairs officers.
9 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 2:55 pm
Maybe someone should throw rocks at or perhaps even assault some of these snarky jerks posting on here who think Boerum Hill residents need to “get over it.” THAT would be the funny part.
10 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 3:08 pm
Try 311, they’ve been helpful in the past for us. Also to some of the previous posters who seem offended you’re even upset over this, please spare everyone the lecture.
11 slick // Oct 4, 2007 at 3:11 pm
no matter what the problem is, there are always posters saying get over it.
12 Leigh A // Oct 4, 2007 at 3:34 pm
I don’t think not wanting kids throwing rocks at you makes you a “gentrifier.” Sounds like it makes you a “normal person.” This kind of crap can happen anywhere there are groups of kids hanging out – it’s not specific to areas near “the projects.” I think “getting over it” actually emboldens the little creeps. Keep calling the cops.
13 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 4:33 pm
Call 311: calling 911 for this is willful systems abuse.
Maybe save 911 for Brazil nuts.
14 Anonymous // Oct 4, 2007 at 4:34 pm
Uh, there was a thread here a couple months ago that proved the 76 precinct doesnt do shit when called.
15 Anonymous // Oct 5, 2007 at 8:51 am
how about instead of acting like the poor helpless victims of a crime, confront these idiots, slap the biggest one, push over the next one, kick the third one, elbow the fourth one,
jump up in the air and land on the chest of one guy and the knee of another, while grimacing andgoing “aiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…,,,awhoooha…” repeat with backflips,,,
16 Anonymous // Oct 5, 2007 at 9:49 am
the 76 does respond at times, and the persistent sackett street problem is a case in point – fairly quite now, but when you need them, they’re too budy or don’t respond.
what i have found helpful is, if it’s a recurring problem, call 311 repeatedly, or call the precinct and talk to a Lieutenatn or the COmmunity Affairs Officer.
Having things thrown at you when people smoke pot and drink on your stoop and you ask them to leave has nothing to do with gentrification.
17 Anonymous // Oct 6, 2007 at 7:23 pm
You people are pathetic. Cops only capable of doing one thing giving out tickets to people who actually obey law. I stop asking help from lazy and dumb idiots in my local precinct. I take matter into my own hands. I had my car window break in overnight numerous times at Coney Island (West 33rd ) where I live. Those monkeys not only live off my tax money but also commit crime. I guess its pays off having rent free apartment and committing a crime. One day I just had enough and decided to take chances to sleep in my car I was just praying this time they will actually do it. 3 scumbags in fact threw a huge rock that’s when I got up and start screaming violently 2 of them took off like crazy and third low life had scare shock that’s when I took my sweet time beat him up with tools until he started bleeding then I called cops since then I had a few threat notes left on my window but no break in.
18 Anonymous // Oct 10, 2007 at 10:09 pm
You say that you want more beat officers…haha, get real? Do you how undermanned some of these precincts are?As in the 76 and 84 precinct. Trust me, i know.
Sure have a few more beat cops but that will take away from the 2 0r 3 cars that cover the entire precinct for an 8 hour shit. Then see how much response time is effected.
Blame the mayor and his crappy salary which has led to a retention problem.
That aside, keep in mind that the 2 0r 3 cars that are patrolling the area are being tied down from some of your fellow idiotic neighbors who call the police for completely idiotic and unneccessary issues.
The police are not superman.
19 Anonymous // Oct 11, 2007 at 10:35 am
1023, yes the police ticket people. But thank the community who go to the precinct meetings and complain abotu certain issues. When the public complains the cops enforce that issue. So make up your mind. Should the cops be enforcing or selective? You can’t have your cake and eat it to.
20 Sam // Oct 13, 2007 at 8:05 pm
1:09 AM, I do agree with you in regards crappy salary and my fellow idiotic neighbors. Unfortunately people are so afraid to name things what they actually are, that I don’t understand. Thanks for your input