Gowanus Lounge: Serving Brooklyn

Disconnected in Brooklyn on Craigslist: Drink-Tossing Park Slope Mommy

October 21st, 2007 · 9 Comments

Usually our Sunday Craigslist Brooklyn Missed Connections are just that: the funny, sad or weird tales of ships passing in the long urban night of things that will never be. Today’s selection, though, isn’t a Missed Connection so much as social commentary about one of our favorite topics, the Park Slope Mommy. Here we go:

Upset mommy in Park Slope

To the girl that threw her drink in my face because she didn’t like what I had to say about children being in bars; Sometimes it’s not about you.

You elected to listen to our conversation. You obviously took offense and I understand why you might think I was talking about you. You were ease dropping on a day-long discussion. If you don’t like what you’re hearing, tell the person when you hear it, not four hours later by throwing a drink in their face. But then again, since when does anyone agree with everything people say on the street? The reason I kept looking over at your table was because I said F*ck a few times and was worried your kid might hear me. But I couldn’t control myself and I shouldn’t have to.

Our conversation was about these things: an article I read and how children like to be at home and behave the best when there; how many kids are out for brunch these days when our generation was lucky to get McDonalds once a week; how you never hear parents say ‘you’re crusin’ for a brusin’ anymore and how one should be able to talk freely at a bar without offending children and their parents. Maybe if we run into each other in the neighborhood again we can discuss these things. Perhaps we can have drinks in our hands and not in our faces. We’ll act like adults. We’ll be in a bar where adults mingle. And my mouth can be a filthy as I want.

We told you it was about sociology this week.

Tags: Missed Connections · Park Slope

9 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Anonymous // Oct 21, 2007 at 1:02 pm

    F. A. K. E.

  • 2 Anonymous // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:33 pm


  • 3 Anonymous // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:38 pm

    i would of puncher her in her loser brooklyn ass, park sucks

  • 4 Brooklyn Beat // Oct 21, 2007 at 8:41 pm

    What a Great Example that that Park Slope Mommy set for her Little One! Maybe Mommy was a wee bit tipsy…As a parent of 4 teenagers, all I can say is that is why God Invented Babysitters. I agree with the guy — little kids don’t belong in bars..

  • 5 Anonymous // Oct 22, 2007 at 5:03 pm

    As someone who had the pleasure of spending my childhood being dragged to all kinds of adult activities and watching my mother get drunk, a babysitter is a beautiful thing.

  • 6 Anonymous // Oct 24, 2007 at 12:02 pm

    Thank you, I have been saying this for years. If you can’t afford a babysitter STAY HOME! I like going to adult places where I shouldn’t have to be concerned about children

  • 7 Anonymous // Nov 9, 2007 at 1:35 pm

    Not FAKE.

    I am the misfortunate one who had the drink thrown in my face. It was the last sips of her drink, mostly watered down Vodka I think. It was truly embarrassing. These were her exact words; “do you remember me from the Gate when you were saying how bad it is for parents to bring their kids to a bar?” me: yes, but I wasn’t specifically referring to…” That’s when she gave me the drunken toss to the face. I went to find her the minute the shock wore off, but she was gone. I did not see the child she was with sitting at the bar, but I wish I had because the young 8 year old probably needed to take care of mommy.

  • 8 Anonymous // Nov 9, 2007 at 1:36 pm

    Not FAKE.

    I am the misfortunate one who had the drink thrown in my face. It was the last sips of her drink, mostly watered down Vodka I think. It was truly embarrassing. These were her exact words; “do you remember me from the Gate when you were saying how bad it is for parents to bring their kids to a bar?” me: yes, but I wasn’t specifically referring to…” That’s when she gave me the drunken toss to the face. I went to find her the minute the shock wore off, but she was gone. I did not see the child she was with sitting at the bar, but I wish I had because the young 8 year old probably needed to take care of mommy.

  • 9 Anonymous // Nov 9, 2007 at 1:54 pm

    Oh, I forgot to mention that I was at The Gate when I was saying those things and the ‘f’ word. I went to dinner, then to Union Hall after. It was at Union Hall that she confronted me.